"Dear Prudence" - arado in hiding from the Unity on the shores of the Tarsel Ocean on Catreus.
Written by Lennon/ McCartney, arrangement by Steve Howard, Filmed and Directed by David Georgeson, designed and edited by Crix iiix, CGI Taavi Torim
Written by Lennon/ McCartney, arrangement by Steve Howard, Filmed and Directed by David Georgeson, designed and edited by Crix iiix, CGI Taavi Torim
"Starry Night" video was placed on the official ballot for the 55th annual US Grammy awards and introduces Diana Mikita as Andromeda.
Written by Howard/Bechdel
Director / CGI Taavi Torim
Written by Howard/Bechdel
Director / CGI Taavi Torim
"Grain of Sand"
all images and sound bytes from NASA.
Video created by Crix iiix
Written by Howard/Bechdel
all images and sound bytes from NASA.
Video created by Crix iiix
Written by Howard/Bechdel
A couple of Radio Interviewers with the Terrific DJ Josh (Human) Guinan on 4ZZZ radio "Dark Essence". Always a lot of fun.
arado have a competition to win two tickets to Jupiter's moon "Europa". All you need to do to enter is contact us on this website on the page called First Contact. It will include a two week stay at the luxurious "Europa Hilton" in the undersea city of Southern Skies.*
* flights not included
* flights not included
If you see Number 4 robot in your town please do not approach as he could be disorientated and disintegrate you. Contact arado at www.facebook.com/aradospace
The Guitar seen in this promo belongs to Commander Sven Hovardsen and is a 1964 Rickenbacker Rose Morris (345). Thanks to Pete Townshend of the Who smashing a number of them up, it is very rare. Commander Sven lent this very same Guitar to A-ha for the video to 'Take On Me'
Earthling feedback for arado from a recent planetary exploration to Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania to extract Prometheum, the lanthanide we use for auxiliary heat and power on "Star Seeker".