The Autokrator
As horrific stories began to arrive from the captured outlying planets the terror of invasion by the Darkashians and their allies galvanised the Tri-System into action. There had been an almost unanimous agreement by the houses to appoint Ambassador Iona as Supreme Leader. The Ambassador had been the obvious choice she was well known to most rulers of the houses as an honest and fair diplomat and a leader that got things done. She had been the driving force between the planets to create the accord that now existed and was respected by her detractors as well as her supporters.
To acknowledge the unprecedented co-operation of all the houses in the three systems, Ambassador Iona was presented with the title of Autokrator and the Tri System of Gliess, Hydrus and Solar, was renamed ‘The Unity’.

Dr Scharnhorst Goodheart
The Chief Inspector for the Unity, the enforcer of the Autokrator's will. He has spies in every corner of the Tri-System. For this reason many call him "The Shadow". He is infamous for his lack of mercy and is universally feared.

Andromeda A gift from the Autokrator to her beloved and loyal servant Dr Scharnhorst Goodheart. She is the most perfect android ever created; his personal bodyguard, pilot, and "companion". Alluring but also deadly.

Darkashian The Darkashians’ had started the ‘Dark Days War’ by invading some of the outlying planets in the Hydrus system, taking no prisoners, killing all, but an exceptionally fortunate few, who were to be used as living vessels to incubate the Darkashian Royal larvae. The response of the Tri-System was slow, hindered by centuries of infighting and power struggles between the houses; finally, all three systems: Gliess, Hydrus and Solar agreed to the appointment of Ambassador Iona as supreme leader, giving her the title of Autokrator. The fighting between the Unity forces and the Darkashians’ with their mercenary allies the Ahvadav was fierce but after twenty-nine days with neither side making advances an uneasy truce was signed.
Space Truck ( Mining exploration / in- situ resource utilization disc). Space Trucks are used throughout the Tri-System. Originally designed to find mining opportunities in unexplored planetary systems. They had been used to explore the Solar System, (Earth and its Moon in particular) as far back in Earth history as the late 1940' s, leading to the phenomenon known by humans as Unidentified Flying Objects/ Flying Saucer Sightings.