Number 4, is now striding at full clank, the number 4 on his chest opens and a plethora of useful tools extend out, he removes his right hand and replaces it with a pulse weapon.
“Robots, dis-assemble Number 4 for reprogramming” the main computer demands.
As Number 4 nears the quarterdeck the three series five combat droids appear. The passive aqua lighting down their sides is replaced with the red for battle ready.
The combat droids are lighter, faster, stronger and more weaponised than any military robots previously created and Number 4 barely has time to let off three volleys of his pulse gun. The droids slow for a just a second and then race towards him; the first reaching him and using its mono-molecular laser to start cutting into his left arm, once the other two combat droids reach Number 4, he slowly opens his left hand.
In it, is an epsilon-delta mining grenade (colloquially known as a miners’ little helper).
The three combat droids look at each other, evaluating this new development. Within a few micro seconds the miner’s little helper detonates.
“Robots, dis-assemble Number 4 for reprogramming” the main computer demands.
As Number 4 nears the quarterdeck the three series five combat droids appear. The passive aqua lighting down their sides is replaced with the red for battle ready.
The combat droids are lighter, faster, stronger and more weaponised than any military robots previously created and Number 4 barely has time to let off three volleys of his pulse gun. The droids slow for a just a second and then race towards him; the first reaching him and using its mono-molecular laser to start cutting into his left arm, once the other two combat droids reach Number 4, he slowly opens his left hand.
In it, is an epsilon-delta mining grenade (colloquially known as a miners’ little helper).
The three combat droids look at each other, evaluating this new development. Within a few micro seconds the miner’s little helper detonates.
Robots Crazy
This story has no beginning or end but we will start at a small prison colony on an insignificant spinning rock, in a far-flung speck of the Milky Way................

Taavi Torim created the Visual Universe for arado. His animations have been shown at NASA (Houston) , the History Channel
"Ancient Aliens" and voted best animator on iStock.
All images are published with kind permission of Taavi Torim . All rights reserved
Andromeda image is published with kind permission of Diana Mikita. All rights reserved
Prudence, Main Computer, Autokrator images are published with kind permission of Victor Habbick. All rights reserved